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According to Alexa traffic rank the highest website position was 54376 (in the world). The lowest Alexa rank position was 999089. Now website ranked in Alexa database as number 57868 (in the world).
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Mobile speed measurement score of (90/100) is better than the results of 92.87% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is excellent.
Weekly Rank Report
Date | Rank | Change |
Oct-13-2024 | 57,868 | 662 |
Oct-12-2024 | 58,530 | -288 |
Oct-11-2024 | 58,242 | -1,456 |
Oct-10-2024 | 56,786 | 625 |
Oct-09-2024 | 57,411 | 228 |
Oct-08-2024 | 57,639 | 424 |
Oct-07-2024 | 58,063 | 501 |
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Last tested: 2019-06-26 Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary
priority - 2 Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Your page has 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.
None of the above-the-fold content on your page could be rendered without waiting for the following resources to load. Try to defer or asynchronously load blocking resources, or inline the critical portions of those resources directly in the HTML.
Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:
priority - 1 Optimize images
Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.
Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 9.8KiB (43% reduction).
Compressing could save 743B (91% reduction).
Compressing could save 705B (64% reduction).
Compressing could save 532B (15% reduction).
Compressing could save 480B (37% reduction). Desktop Resources
Total Resources | 24 |
Number of Hosts | 1 |
Static Resources | 23 |
CSS Resources | 1 | Desktop Resource Breakdown mobile page speed rank
Last tested: 2019-06-19 Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary
priority - 8 Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Your page has 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.
None of the above-the-fold content on your page could be rendered without waiting for the following resources to load. Try to defer or asynchronously load blocking resources, or inline the critical portions of those resources directly in the HTML.
Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:
priority - 1 Optimize images
Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.
Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 9.8KiB (43% reduction).
Compressing could save 743B (91% reduction).
Compressing could save 705B (64% reduction).
Compressing could save 532B (15% reduction).
Compressing could save 480B (37% reduction). Mobile Resources
Total Resources | 24 |
Number of Hosts | 1 |
Static Resources | 23 |
CSS Resources | 1 | Mobile Resource Breakdown mobile page usability
Last tested: 2019-06-19 Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary
priority - 30 Size content to viewport
The page content is too wide for the viewport, forcing the user to scroll horizontally. Size the page content to the viewport to provide a better user experience.
The page content is 883 CSS pixels wide, but the viewport is only 412 CSS pixels wide. The following elements fall outside the viewport:
<h1>9/11, NSA Spyi…Whole Lot More</h1>
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<p>This website i…he Dalai Lama.</p>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<p>This website a…ual potential.</p>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<b>“I am for trut…ver tells it.”</b>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<b>“Rise like lio…they are few.”</b>
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<a href="cdrom.php">Website-on-Flash-Drive</a>
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<a href="http://www.ser…cwpm.php#combo">all three of his flash drives</a>
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<center>Recently Added…ent at the top</center>
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<a href="">Wayback Machine</a>
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<a href="more/The Basic…Stupidity.htm">The Basic Laws…uman Stupidity</a>
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<font>Only two thing…the universe.</font>
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<a href="cda/assange-ma…t-humanity.htm">The Assange/Ma…redit Humanity</a>
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<font>The corrupt We…life on earth.</font>
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<font>Corrupt and un…r they appear.</font>
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<a href="cda/assange-arrest.htm">Assange Arrest…g from History</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="cda/Martyrdom-…an-Assange.htm">The Martyrdom…Julian Assange</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="doomsday-machine.htm">Daniel Ellsber…of nuclear war</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>Chapter by cha…ion itself ...</font>
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<img src="the_saker/Waha…sm-300x155.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>National Zioni…clear weapons.</font>
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<li>Smartphones Suck!</li>
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<li>The Bankers' S…illiam Engdahl</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>I ask: how man…d human being.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="wot/australia.htm">Australia: A C…t Police State</a>
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<li>FBaggins: Vene…evant articles</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Michael McCull…stly about Sex</li>
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<a href="MH17_Ukraine_guilt_proven.htm">MH17 Turnabout…ilt Now Proven</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>Their goal and…d its sources.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="jsmill/essence…oncealment.htm">The Essence of…ts Concealment</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>US Gov Backs D…ation Approach</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Is Gene Editin…for Eugenics?</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Son of Franken…o Gene Editing</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>GMO Lobby Plot…n Gene Editing</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>China’s Golem…Another Agenda</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Recommended Bl…eal childhood.</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="cia/GHW_Bush_Dead_At_94.htm">George Herbert…years Too Long</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="cda/Revenge Is…Washington.htm">Revenge Is Min…ith Washington</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>What has Assan…no espionage.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>We learned fro…of WikiLeaks.”</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<i>An Inquiring M…of Peter Meyer</i>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The goal of th…ll Eurasia ...</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://www.ser…ther_sites.htm">Other [9-11] Websites</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="jsmill/awakeni…the_matrix.htm">Society is Mad…om The Matrix.</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>Out of the whi…ule than live.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>In 1908, a yea…S Congress ...</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="https://mises.…d-independence">the source of inflation</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://centerf…/moondoggie-1/">Wagging the Moondoggie</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="https://www.yo…?v=xciCJfbTvE4">A Funny Thing…ay to the Moon</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="cia/10_lessons…om_history.htm">“Democratic In…ust in the CIA</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>[W]hen someone…ogy of souls”.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="cda/wikipedia.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>The Philip Cro…at Wikipedia.</li>
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<font>“Racism” is a…ite societies.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="cm.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>EuropeanUnity5…tural Marxism?</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>Today’s false…it did not do.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>I strongly dis…tant roles ...</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="the_saker/paradigm_shift.htm">9/11 and the G…Paradigm Shift</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="the_saker/new_…an_weapons.htm">Newly revealed…l implications</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The leaders of…United States.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="netflix2.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Bernado Kastru…lem (PDF file)</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>The Frank Olso…been revised.</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Newsletters fr…d really works</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Richard K. Moo…r destruction.</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>Defamation is…s in a ritual.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="N1720656.DOC">United Nations…uclear weapons</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Paul Craig Rob…troyed America</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Civil Asset Fo…litarian state</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="zionism/israel…ry-english.pdf">Israeli Practi…n of Apartheid</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>This report co…rnational law.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="culture_of_critique.htm">A Review of Th…anley Hornbeck</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>In The Culture…ile societies.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Interview with…p and PedoGate</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="the_saker/color_revolution.htm">A “color revol…United States</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>One of the mos…hard and fast.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="cda/Statement_…5_Nov_2016.pdf">The full text…November 2016</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="jsmill/Declara…htm#comparison">a comparison</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>Article 4 Fr…ution [basis].</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="wtc_other_sites.htm">Relevant [9/11…Other Websites</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="nato/central_i…l_campaign.htm">The Central Is…ntial Campaign</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>This central i…’s the reality</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Peter Meyer: T…Warming Hoax”?</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/So…Wind_small.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The emerging…rature record.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="climate/climat…nd_control.htm">Climate Change & Mind Control</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/V50.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>So it’s only n…concentration.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="climate/hieb/G…rspective.html">Global Warming…ng Perspective</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<b>water vapo</b>
falls outside the viewport.The element
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="climate/climat…but_no_agw.htm">Climate Change…Global Warming</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="images/20160620_brexit1_tn.jpg" class="margin">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<b>most of us will end up dead</b>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>This is someth…Anglo Empire.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The bottom lin…ire continent.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="dmt/DMT_entities.htm">Concerning the…Relation to Us</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
falls outside the viewport.The element
falls outside the viewport.The element
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>I believe that…consequences.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>A long quotati…y Peter Meyer.</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="jsmill/war_is_…_the_state.htm">"War is the He…— Its Meaning</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>[Randolph] Bou…obal conflict.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<p>Which brings t…their return.</p>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="russian_plane_crash.htm">Suspicions abo…an Plane Crash</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The Russian ai…ss connection.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>Recently the…United States.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/hu…_courtyard.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<blockquote>Accompany the…and Huancayo.</blockquote>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>In an intervi…on ourselves.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="putin_un_gener…embly_2015.htm">President Vlad…neral Assembly</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<b>Do you at leas…t you’ve done?</b>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="dmt/DMT_entities.htm">Concerning the…Relation to Us</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>I suggest tha…d in this way.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Peter Meyer: Ayahuasca Report</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="jsmill/plague_…itarianism.htm">The Plague of…thoritarianism</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The renowned…institutions.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/eu…fall_311px.png">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>The 28-member…economic sense</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>The EU is on t…tural collapse</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>The EU is just…own interests</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>The EU is in a…litical crisis</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
falls outside the viewport.The element
<i>the fact that…ainians did it</i>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>New links have…yth of Apollo.</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="hr/zundel.htm#comments">two comments</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://thesake…st-dissidents/">France’s CRIF-run regime</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="wot/miatello.htm">World Trade Ce…stic Collision</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>[We] can math…e would stop].</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Gun Control</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="wot/sabrosky.htm">Treason, Betra…/11 and Beyond</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>[Only] two in…ael’s enemies.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Gun Control</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/saker.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Additional lin…reement (TISA)</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Censorship in…United Kingdom</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="trans-pacific-partnership.htm">The Trans-Paci…P and the TISA</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Milena Rampold…s Gilad Atzmon</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="jsmill/newdecl.html#excerpts">excerpts</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="…merican_people">Battlefield Am…merican People</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="nsa_1947.htm">The U.S. Natio…ination of JFK</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<i>JFK and the Unspeakable</i>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Political Assa…US, 1972-2011</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="zuesse.htm">Why Obama Lost…War in Ukraine</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>Did you notice…on the planet.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/assange-london.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>It is absolute…ant injustice.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The Saker: I…this century.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="the_saker/saker_appeal.htm">Important appe…sian speakers!</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>By now it mus…y that simple.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The measures t…surveillance.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="nato/russia_china_usa_war.htm">Will Russia an…y Alternative?</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The inability…ld be nuclear.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>Eric Zuesse: W…War in Ukraine</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The conclusio…United States.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="bf/swine_flu.htm#ebola">The 2014 Ebola Outbreak</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<li>The Saker: Rus…s Fifth Column</li>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="more/mind_control.htm">Mind Control:…oday's Reality</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The 'conspira…t and ignored.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="the_saker/sanctions.htm">Sanctions rebo…hit Europeans</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>The West's ma…and the West.</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/birds_lr.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<font>Articles Added…06 and Earlier</font>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<center>Click to retur…op of the list</center>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="cwpm/cwpm.php">here</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/button_margin2.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="#whatsnew" class="menulink">What's New</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
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falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="ndx.htm" class="menulink">Title Index</a>
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falls outside the viewport.The element
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falls outside the viewport.The element
falls outside the viewport.The element
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<i>An Inquiring Mind</i>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
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<td class="menulink"></td>
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falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="wtc.htm" class="menulink">The World Trad…ter Demolition</a>
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falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/button_margin2.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="wtc.htm" class="menulink">... and the War on Terrorism</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
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falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="wot/pop_mech/r…_mechanics.htm" class="menulink">Reply to Popul…hanics re 9/11</a>
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falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="wot/holmgren01.htm" class="menulink">Debunking Conspiracy Theories</a>
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<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
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falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="wot/nuclear_bo…ed_the_wtc.htm" class="menulink">WTC Destroyed by Nuclear Bombs</a>
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<img src="index_files/button_margin2.gif">
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<a href="cia/counterspy/israel_911.htm" class="menulink">Israel and 9/11</a>
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falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="wot/sabrosky.htm" class="menulink">Treason, Betra…Deceit on 9/11</a>
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<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/button_margin2.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="wot/911_destroyed_america.htm" class="menulink">9/11 Destroyed America</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
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<td class="menulink"></td>
falls outside the viewport.The element
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falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/button_margin2.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="jsmill/gun_control.htm" class="menulink">Gun Control</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/button_margin2.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="cda/cablegate.htm" class="menulink">Julian Assange and Wikileaks</a>
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falls outside the viewport.The element
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falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="cda/censorship_usa.htm" class="menulink">Censorship in…United States</a>
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<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/button_margin2.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="cda/censorship_uk.htm" class="menulink">Censorship in…United Kingdom</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/button_margin2.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="cda/censorship_australia.htm" class="menulink">Censorship in Australia</a>
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<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/button_margin2.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="more/lockerbie_bombing.htm" class="menulink">The Lockerbie Bombing</a>
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falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/button_margin2.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="jsmill/voting_machines.htm" class="menulink">Voting Machine…gged Elections</a>
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falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="index_files/button_margin2.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="jsmill/awakeni…the_matrix.htm" class="menulink">Society is Made of Narrative</a>
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<img src="index_files/bl…n_wide_top.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
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<i>The Culture of Critique</i>
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Ping is a networking utility tool to test if a particular host is reachable. It is a diagnostic that checks reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. In a computer network, a ping test is a way of sending messages from one host to another. Aside from checking if the host is connected to a network, ping also gives indicators of the reliability and general speed of the connection. TRACEROUTE
Traceroute is a network diagnostic tool used to track the pathway taken by a packet on an IP network from source to destination. Traceroute also records the time taken for each hop the packet makes during its route to the destination. Traceroute uses ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo packets with variable time to live values. The response time of each hop is calculated. To guarantee accuracy, each hop is queried multiple times (usually three times) to better measure the response of that particular hop.